8. Plums
9. Apples
As I'm sure you've noticed, butterflies love a slice of apple as a snack! Apples attract Painted Lady butterflies due to their sweet, slightly tart flavor and high water content, making them an excellent source of hydration and energy for butterflies. The soft, fleshy interior is easy for butterflies to access, especially when the fruit is overripe or fallen, providing a quick food source. Most butterfly species (not just Painted Ladies) enjoy snacking on apples, particularly in temperate regions like North America and Europe, where apples are widely grown and serve as a common food source during the late summer and fall.
10. Pears
11. Mangoes
12. Pineapples
Last but not least, Painted Ladies are picky for Pineapples! These prickly fruits attract Painted Lady butterflies due to their sweet, tangy taste and high moisture content, making them an excellent hydration and energy source. The soft, fibrous texture of the fruit is easily accessible, particularly when overripe or cut, allowing butterflies to feed with ease. In addition to Painted Ladies, butterflies like the Gulf Fritillary and the Julia Butterfly are often found feeding on pineapples, especially in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, Southeast Asia, and Africa,
Explore Painted Lady Butterfly Metamorphosis with Insect Lore
Now that you know what they love to feed on, it's time to raise some butterflies of your very own! Buy your Butterfly-Raising Kit today!